The Wages of Silence
‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity’, wrote Yeats. Penned the day after a violent incursion into the US Capitol, Homerton’s Bill Foster - an historian both of Nazi Germany and the modern United States - considers how silence enables destruction.

We shouldn’t be afraid of calling Churchill a racist
Richard Toye dares to call Winston Churchill a racist - and also to appreciate other facets and attributes of this extraordinary figure.

Paintings for our times: Nicholson’s Armistice Night, 1918
Philip Stephenson’s series of commentaries on art from the Fitzwilliam Museum continues with a reflection on VE Day 1945 and its resonances with the Armistice, as depicted by Sir William Nicholson RA in 1918.

Miriam & Youssef: the story of the foundation of Israel
Homersphere’s first exclusive! Steve Waters tells us about his new radio drama Miriam & Youssef, which over 10 episodes explores the foundation of the modern state of Israel.